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2nd Edition
Dictionary of Advanced Russian Usage
What was begun as an experimental work of creative translation has evolved into an in-depth tool that fills many of the gaps left by even the most comprehensive English Russian/Russian-English dictionaries. The Dictionary of Advanced Russian Usage was never intended for beginners who are looking for basic word-to-word equivalents. Instead, it is for translators and others who are often frustrated by a search for just the right word or phrase.
Twice the size of the first, the thrust of Second Edition of The Dictionary of Advanced Russian Usage remains the same: to encompass words and phrases which have not fallen within the scope of standard English-Russian/Russian-English dictionaries or to simply offer a new take on translations which have become “old hat,” but which may not be anywhere near as precise as one might desire.
The current edition also embodies a vast expansion of contemporary slang with thousands of new entries, as well as a substantial foray into criminal cant. Classical entries have also been markedly increased with examples from the works of A. Rybakov, V. Soloukhin, E. Zamyatin, V. Astafiev, etc., as well as numerous writers of the 19th century.